Notebook Review: Code and Quill Monolith 

Notebook Review: Code and Quill Monolith 

As a journal addict I am always on a quest for the perfect one. The cover, size and quality of paper are all very important to me. I’ve been known to spend a ridiculous amount of time searching the web for new brands. On one such search I discovered Code & Quill.

I contacted Code & Quill to inquire about their paper and the bleeding/ghosting of various inks, specifically Copic markers. They didn’t have the info but were kind enough to offer to send a sample so I could do my own ink testing.  I was flippin’ excited!

The Monolith (the largest notebook Code & Quill offers) to is Hard Cover, 192 Pages, and measures  7.25″ x 10″. The right page is dot grid and the left is indentation rule. It has a lay flat binding. The paper is “100 gsm, acid-free, fine-grain stock”.  The Monolith sells for $25 .

Loooove the white cover! (It’s also available in gray)
Dot Grid (Right)
Indentation Rule (Left)

I tested a variety of different markers and pens.  I intended to test a common yellow highlighter but that sucker must be hiding from me! I’m sure I’ll find it the minute I click publish!

Ink test (back)

Ink test-2
Ink test -2 (back)

Copic Sketch, Sharpie and Bic Mark It showed the most ghosting.

Since I use mixed media in my bullet journal, I tested the “marker watercolor technique’ too. I was pleasantly surprised at the minimal amount of rippling.


Crayola watercolor (back)

All in all this is by far my favorite notebook/journal now.  The dot grid/indentation rule page combo is awesome! I’m not the most artistic person on the planet so I appreciate having both options in one notebook. I have already started my July Bujo layout. 🙂

If you’d like your very own Monolith or one of their other sizes. Here’s the link:

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Things you might not know about Bell’s Palsy

“Bell’s palsy is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of your face. Damage to the facial nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face causes that side of your face to droop. The nerve damage may also affect your sense of taste and how you make tears and saliva”.

I was diagnosed on January 27, 2017. After extensive tests at ER to rule out a stroke.

These are my observations thus far…

1. It HURTS like a MOFO! Intense ear, eye, head, face and neck pain.
2. It’s SCARY AF!
3. The BP eye does not close. Constantly watering and burning. (If you get soap in it it’s flipping horrible) At night it dries out…ointment and eye patch are recommended.
4. No one really knows what causes it. Might be a virus (the one that cause cold sores but I tested negative for that virus-so could be the virus that causes Shingles but maybe not. Stress doesn’t cause it but it DEFINITELY makes it worse.
5. Recovery is NOT guaranteed. Might be a month, a year or never.
6. The meds make me sick AF. I’m on so many I have a Med Reminder App.
7. The taste buds on the BP side of my tongue don’t work anymore. Sucks root!
8. BP patients feel VERY ALONE.
9. Reducing stress is easier said than done
10. No insurance = Screwed.

Stay Tuned for more!

I miss you Daddy.

It has begun. It sneaks up on me each year. A tad depressed, a little melancholy, sudden onset of tears, and a whole lot of pissy. It takes me awhile to figure it out. Then…it clicks. The anniversary of my daddy’s death is close. My subconscious remembers like it received a reminder alarm on an invisible iPhone. Damn subconscious.
April 9, 1992. He was 47 years old. It simultaneously feels like it’s been forever and like it was yesterday. I can’t remember his voice no matter how hard I try. I didn’t make it to the hospital in time. He died before I arrived. That crushes my heart. 
Charles Wesley Smith was born August 5, 1944. He was funny, intelligent, stubborn and the first nerd I ever met. (It was years before I realized I too am a nerd) He was a Science teacher, an avid Amateur Radio Operator, a Christian, a Trekkie and unfortunately, a Type 1 diabetic. Diagnosed on his 2nd birthday. Can you say shitty birthday gift?!?  

He suffered the first of many strokes when I was eight. I woke up in the middle of the night with EMT’s in the hallway. Scared the shit out of me. After each stroke and/or heart attack, I was told to prepare for his passing. Every time he pulled through albeit with some degree of paralysis. ( He was also legally blind) 

CWS was a fighter and very, very stubborn. I sometimes think that’s why I didn’t get to the hospital in time…I truly didn’t think I would lose him. I thought I’d see him again, have the chance to tell him things. Important things. 
I tell him those things everyday now. When I wake up and before I go to bed. I hope he hears me. I hope he knows how much I love him. How much I am like him. 
The moral of this story? Tell your people the important things…now. Don’t wait. Tell them when they can hear you. 
Charles W Smith was most definitely the World’s Greatest Dad. I miss him beyond words.  
I was and will always be, Daddy’s girl.


Cheater Cheater, Cake Eater

Ughhhhhh!   Where’s my WILLPOWER??!!  WTF?!?!

It was the end of Week 2 of the 21 Day Fix. The program that has NO CHEAT DAYS and what was I doing? Eating Big Red Cake! Not one little tiny bitty piece. Nooooo. More like HALF of the cake! (My roommate/bff ate the remaining half.) Was it good? Yes. Was is so delicious that it was worth it. NO!

My weight loss/fitness journey started in January. ( For like the gazillionth time!) I was beginning to resemble Mama June. Soooo not a flattering look. I made an executive decision. This was it. No more excuses. It was time to get healthy. I have had two heart attacks, it’s about time I got off my fat ass!) Luckily, I was chosen to be in Shaun T’s February CIZE Challenge Group. That was by far the most fun I’ve ever had with fitness. I pressed play everyday! I can’t dance for shit but it didn’t matter! I was moving. I was losing weight!  I will forever be grateful for that experience. I made so many new friends.

Ok. I cheated. Who gives a crap!? It’s in the past. The beauty of life is we get a do over each day. Our own personal mulligan. I am not giving up. I will succeed.  One day at a time.

I got this!  YOU got this! WE got this!

Don’t give up. Kick fat’s ASS! 🙂