Things you might not know about Bell’s Palsy

“Bell’s palsy is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of your face. Damage to the facial nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face causes that side of your face to droop. The nerve damage may also affect your sense of taste and how you make tears and saliva”.

I was diagnosed on January 27, 2017. After extensive tests at ER to rule out a stroke.

These are my observations thus far…

1. It HURTS like a MOFO! Intense ear, eye, head, face and neck pain.
2. It’s SCARY AF!
3. The BP eye does not close. Constantly watering and burning. (If you get soap in it it’s flipping horrible) At night it dries out…ointment and eye patch are recommended.
4. No one really knows what causes it. Might be a virus (the one that cause cold sores but I tested negative for that virus-so could be the virus that causes Shingles but maybe not. Stress doesn’t cause it but it DEFINITELY makes it worse.
5. Recovery is NOT guaranteed. Might be a month, a year or never.
6. The meds make me sick AF. I’m on so many I have a Med Reminder App.
7. The taste buds on the BP side of my tongue don’t work anymore. Sucks root!
8. BP patients feel VERY ALONE.
9. Reducing stress is easier said than done
10. No insurance = Screwed.

Stay Tuned for more!